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Our Naked Souls Page 2
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Déjà vu into jamais vu
She made everything new
And nothing felt like it used to.
The simplest things took on new life
Grocery shopping felt like an adventure
Getting coffee was drinking the cosmos at night
And routines became vibrant pleasures.
She kissed me in the rain
As the city lights shone
I felt a warmth through my veins
As she painted night into glorious dawn.
With fresh eyes I looked at living
She effortlessly changed my point of view
Dear god, let me forever keep loving
La femme qui rend tout jamais vu.
Stars Align
What did the night’s sky look like
At the moment of my first breath?
What did it look like
At the moment of yours?
I like to think
They were aligned perfectly
And perhaps if you combined them
Some cosmic echo of fate would be spelled out
In the depths of that abyss
And perhaps the future mapped already
In that ephemeral ink.
The night we met, our first words,
The moment I fell in love
With the details of your eyes,
Our first kiss,
The ever-closer intertwining
Of our souls,
And moments we haven’t yet seen.
I don’t know if the stars aligned
To bring us together.
All I know, my dear
Is that you make me feel
So damn lucky.
Lingua Franca
We must build a bridge
Between our love languages
So that I can speak enough of yours
And you enough of mine.
Understand that no two people
Perceive love exactly the same;
There are as many dialects of love
As there are perceptions of reality.
Look to the Stars
Look to the stars.
Incomprehensible vastness.
This great impossibility
Exists within you too,
In the space between your atoms.
You should look at yourself
With the same wonder
With which you look at the stars;
You, my love, are a miracle.
I refuse to believe that something as perfect
As the meeting of our souls
Could have happened
By accident.
Drive with Me
Drive with me.
Let’s sing
At the top of our lungs
To songs we don’t really know
Because every mistake
I make with you
Is beautiful.
Rest your head on my shoulder
And sleep through the sights
Like you sleep through movies
Because you’re more beautiful
Falling asleep
Than the earth is
Dozing off at sunset.
Every single moment with you
Feels perfect
And the best of moments without you
Are lacking.
Drive with me
On to our next adventure
Because anything with you
Is perfect.
Brightest Star
Drive outside the city
In the midst of night.
Find a place
Where the stars
Shine with clarity.
Pick one out
And stare at it;
Watch as the stars around it
Grow dimmer
And all else
Becomes darkness.
This is what love
Is supposed to feel like;
Find the star
That looks brightest
To your soul
And never lose sight of it.
Do not settle for someone
Whose soul is not aflame
With the music that moves you,
Eager to dance
In the same fire
That makes you feel
Magic for the True Believer
The high tide
Wants to throw us
Against the rocks
And break us apart.
Love is a magic spell:
As long as we keep
Our eyes on each other
We’ll never drown.
As long as we both believe
We can defy the odds
Somehow it becomes so;
Love is magic for the true believers.
Find someone who makes you
More and more yourself
Building you up
And erasing the scars
Where others had hurt you before.
I can be myself around you
And you yourself around me;
I think there’s something beautiful
In that.
Fluorescent Infinity
Dip your fingers into the everlasting
Do not dare tell me
Magic does not exist
When I can feel it so strongly
Between us now.
But the moment the sunrise hits,
The harsh sobriety of the daylight hours
Lays waste to the infinite potential
Of the midnight hour.
We hold it all at bay,
God and goddess
Of our own infinity
Where everything we touch
Glows against the vast darkness.
We have infinite potential
In this moment—anything is possible
In this world we have created
In our world the sun
Never has
To rise.
My Heart Dreams of You
My heart never stopped dreaming of you
Even when all seemed lost.
Part of me never stopped belonging to you;
I don’t think I could take it back if I tried.
My heart dreams of you
When I stare off into space
And lose track of time.
In the still, quiet moments
When the night is silent
And the air devoid of the slightest whisper,
In these quiet moments
Suddenly I find my heart
Drifting off to places
I had thought long abandoned.
What greater pain would be incurred:
To never wake up, having you only in fantasy,
Or to know for certain that this dream is a lie
Never to become reality?
Strands of Your Hair
I daydream about making you laugh,
Making your problems seem less daunting,
Cherishing the moments
As they float by in slow motion
And rush by in a blurry cascade
All at once.
I daydream about the small moments,
The way it would feel
When you leaned your head
Onto my shoulder
And I put my arm
ound your waist.
I think about how
I would find
Strands of your hair
In a shirt you had borrowed
And think fondly
About you
Every time.
Nothing but You and Me
Take my hand,
Lead me gently into oblivion;
You convince me that anything is possible,
That life can be more than ordinary.
You give me hope.
You fuel the fire deep down in my soul.
I look into your eyes
And for once it seems
That one day it will all make sense
And all of the struggle and pain
Will one day fade away,
Leaving nothing in the entire universe
But you and me.
There is beauty over the horizon,
A promise of harmony and joy;
To kiss you
Is to feel heaven
Touching earth.
When we are together
It feels as if there is nothing
But you and me
In the entire universe.
Our Naked Souls
My soul
Unfolded before you
Like a flower’s petals.
Naked and unhidden,
I kept nothing from you.
And though I was afraid
You would think less of me,
I held nothing back.
It was the feeling of light
Hitting places
Once withered by darkness.
You held me gently
As I was vulnerable.
You looked at my flaws
And saw beauty
Where I only saw defects.
We stood there together,
Our naked souls
Affirming an eternal love.
Nothing hidden, all laid bare—
Together, you and I
Are finally free.
I will wait
As long as it takes
For our paths
To cross
In just the right way.
I will wait
With unrelenting certainty
That you are the one,
The other half of me.
I am certain
That we
Are meant
For each other.
The Chessboard
I’ve been hurt before.
I’ve put my heart
In careless hands
And paid for it.
I’m defensive.
I learned my lesson
Never to trust too much
Or else be hurt again.
I’m paranoid.
I feel like I need to be
One step ahead
Of everyone else
Or I won’t be ready
When betrayal
Inevitably comes.
I’m afraid
That if I don’t play the game
Better than anyone else
Then I’ll lose—
But she would never do that
To me.
Because she’s not my opponent;
She’s on my side.
For the first time
I’m not alone
Against the world
And I need
To remember that.
It’s important not to get complacent.
Once we’ve been happy for a long while,
It’s easy to see tiny things as issues
That we would’ve never cared about before.
We forget that we are loved
And we moan about mole-hills
From the peaks of mountains.
It’s all too easy
To get tunnel vision
And lose the bigger picture.
Hold on tightly to your remembrance
Of the incomparable gift of love;
Never forget how your joy
Has bloomed from the roots of sorrow
Under the nourishment of her light—
Love is remembering what you have.
When time has run its course
And all the symphonies,
All the great paintings,
And all the films
Have been created
And worn down to dust,
Still our love will remain
Etched in the cosmos
As if by the hand of god.
Kintsugi Heart
Every past heartbreak
Was just a lesson
Teaching me how to love you better.
Instead of hiding our broken hearts,
Let us fill the cracks with gold
And put them on display for all to see.
Do not conceal the pain
That made you who you are today—
Wear it proudly.
Find someone
Who looks at the places
Your heart has been broken
And sees a place to love you better,
Sees beauty where others see flaws.
You were my oasis
In the desert.
When I felt hopeless
You made me whole.
I love the way
You are yourself
So effortlessly
With no need
To pretend
Or hold back.
You rise like the sun
Full of confidence,
Certain of your place
In the universe,
And unafraid of the opinions
Of others.
Wasted Moments
I must live with the remorse
Of every moment
I did not spend kissing your lips
For it was all wasted time.
Experiences are meant
To be shared,
And life not
Too carefully planned.
I wish I’d
Thrown caution to the wind,
Giving you all I had,
Building palaces from dirt mounds.
Conversations, souls in abandon
Yearning to be free,
Tugging at the chains of conformity,
Deciding our fates for ourselves.
Chapter Two
Though we thought it would last forever
It seems our hearts had other plans.
They began to withdraw from one another
Far before we did.
The Forest
Do you feel the moss under your hands?
Do you smell the forest air?
Do you see the sun through the trees
And hear the birds singing?
We have met here many times
In my mind:
The forest behind that old house
Where I escaped to so often.
Do you remember this place?
We have been here together, you know,
More times than I can count.
This is where I keep my love for you.
This is where I keep you contained,
A fantasy that can never come true.
This is where I feel most free.
This is the we
ll of unmade memories.
The Worst Lie
The worst lie
Our culture teaches us
Is that romantic love
Is the answer
To all of life’s problems,
As if it is some magic spell
That suddenly transforms life
Into a rose-colored wonderland
Without struggle or pain.
The Same Old Path
These days my mind wanders
Toward you
Far more often
Than I would like.
I can’t stop thinking about you;
You take up space
I should be using
For more pressing matters.
I retread the same path
As if visiting the same place
Over and over again
Could lead to a different result.
Cast Off the Remnants
Everything was in slow motion
As I unclenched my hand
And released yours from my grasp.
We were alone, floating in the middle
Of a dark chasm.
Your face recoiled
As you realized
You could no longer use me.
Instantly a weight lifted from my chest
And I was free
As I cast off the remnants
Of the person
You forced me to become.
Finally I burst from my shell,
On the verge of death,
Gasping for air.
I am free, free
Reaching for the heavens.
I am free, free
Taking my life
Back into my hands.
The Thought of Losing You
I struggle with the thought of losing you.
What would I be
Without you?
I want to hold you tight
And cherish the feeling of you
And your warmth next to me.
But I know I can’t hold on too tightly
Because that’s how flames are smothered
And that’s how romance dies.
Before, it was only a dream
That our love could blossom
Into something special.
But now that my dream has come true
Fear of loss grips me.
I have to accept that I can’t control life
And I must live in the moment,
Cherishing your every detail
While I still have you.
For as long as I get to love you
I will love you with all that I am.
To the idea
Of love,